
Dr. Michael L. Best is Professor with the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs and the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Institute of Technology where he directs the Technologies and International Development Lab and the Center for Computing and Society. He was Director of Research at Georgia Tech – Shenzhen, our campus in China, and was founding director of the United Nations University Institute on Computing and Society (UNU-CS) in Macau SAR, China. He holds a Ph.D. from MIT and has served as director of Media Lab Asia in India and head of the eDevelopment group at the MIT Media Lab. Professor Best is Associate Editor for Global Computing with Communications of the ACM and co-founder and Editor-in-Chief Emeritus of the journal Information Technologies and International Development. Best has published over 100 peer-reviewed papers in books, journals, and conferences, and since joining Georgia Tech offered more than 100 invited and keynote lectures across the USA and internationally.
PhD Students

Amy Chen
Amy Chen is a 4th year HCC PhD student. Prior to starting her PhD at Georgia Tech, Amy worked in India, Kenya, Uganda, and Zambia, evaluating and supporting social impact-oriented technological interventions in sectors including public health, agriculture, and education. She is currently interested in questions surrounding the creation of, access to, and use of data for public benefit in underrepresented contexts. Amy graduated from Harvard University with a BA in Applied Mathematics in 2014.

Daniel Nkemelu
Daniel is a final year HCC PhD student. He completed a BS in Computer Science from the University of Ibadan in 2016, and an MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in 2019, where he was a Mastercard Foundation Scholar. His present research interests lie at the intersection of artificial intelligence, social computing and global development.

Leslie Dwolatzky
PhD student in International Affairs, Science and Technology. Research interests include how technology impacts development and inequality in the Global South

Shuheng Liu
Shuheng Liu is a third year CS PhD student. He completed his BS in CS and BA in Linguistics from the University of Washington. Before joining the lab, he has done research in Natural Language Processing, analyzing model generalization over time and languages. He is now interested in how we can use the current NLP techniques to help with low-resource languages and the people speaking them.
Shuheng is always interested in learning (about) different languages, and is able to converse in a few, though not directly relevant to his studies in Linguistics.

Charles is a first-year Computer Science PhD student. His research interests lie broadly in applications of machine learning for global healthcare. Before starting his PhD, he completed his M.S. in Computer Science at the University of Texas at Austin and his B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Commonwealth University.

Mizan Rahman
Mizan is a 3rd year HCC PhD student. His research focuses on the sustainability of the innovation centers. Before joining the program, he earned an MS in Computational Science & Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology and a BS in Computer Science from Florida Atlantic University (Full Honor Scholarship).
Masters Students

Master’s Student

Kenneth Chen
Kenneth is a second year Master’s student in MS-HCI. He is currently working as a software developer on the Nudge Platform. Before coming to Georgia Tech and joining the lab, Kenneth graduated with a BS in Computer Science at UC San Diego.

Venkata Goli
Hello! I am a second-year studying Computer Science and Mathematics at Georgia Tech. I’m driven to harness the power of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Machine Learning to drive meaningful global change.

Pranay Begwani
I am an undergraduate Computer Science major at Georgia Tech specializing in Intelligence and Info Internetworks. My interests lies in using data to analyze and solve problems. I’m presently studying African perception of Chinese presence on the continent, with the key focus of utilizing objective NLP techniques.

Uday Goyat
I am Uday Goyat, and I am an undergraduate CS major at Tech specializing in Systems Architecture and Info Internetworks. My passion lies in utilizing the aid of technology to solve social problems.

Anthony Xu

Rachit Gupta
Rachit Gupta is a 2nd year Computer Science & Linguistics Undergraduate Student at Georgia Tech. His degree specialization is in Artificial Intelligence, System Architecture, and Large Language Models. He loves to explore his interest in product design and development through hackathons.

Joan Nanduala
Joan is a 3rd-year Computer Science student from Kampala, Uganda. Currently, she is working as a researcher on a project investigating how African youth perceive the economic presence of China in Africa. She focuses on the differences between the perception of Africans living on the continent and those off the continent. Outside school and work, she likes to watch documentaries on different topics and take walks on the Atlanta Beltline.

Ciabhan Connelly
Ciabhan is a 4th year HCC PhD student. He completed his undergraduate degree in Computational Approaches to Political Analysis at Indiana University. He is interested in the intersections between political science and data science. Interests include applying ethical and legal frameworks to machine learning, and using data science to benefit democracy.

Matthew Lim
My name is Matthew and I completed my masters in the Human Computer Interaction program. I am interested in inclusivity and makerspaces and am on the executive board of Georgia Tech’s Hive Makerspace where you can find me most times of the day. I’m also interested in sustainability and city planning so I can also been found at the Friendly Cities Lab. I’m glad to be part of the DT2D team and hope to continue everything I can.

Andrew Zhao
Andrew is an undergraduate Computer Science student and soon-to-be Interactive Intelligence Masters student. In the lab, he works as a full-stack developer on the COVID Social Media Monitoring/Response Project. His current research interests are understanding the harms of social media and creating tools to mitigate those harms and build community resilience, specifically in the context of COVID misinformation + marginalized communities.

Max Karpawich
Max Karpawich. Student at Brown University. Brown Information Futures Lab Brown University. Providence, Rhode Island, United States.

Ankit Mehta
I’m a 3rd Year CS student from Nairobi, Kenya. My research interests lie in building and utilizing Natural language processing models in online social networks to reduce information asymmetry, misinformation and hate speech. I am a part of the digital threats to democracy team as an Aggie full-stack developer and ML researcher. I like to eat, sleep, work, read, learn, and understand life.

Yashila Ramesh
I’m a high school student with an interest in computer science and international development. I am currently working with the COVID-19 Social Media Monitoring team. When I am not working you can find me reading, watching movies, or listening to music.