Community-Based COVID-19 Social Media Monitoring and Response
Supporting community partners in Georgia to track, triage, and respond to COVID-19 social media content to inform and enhance their COVID-19 response efforts. Who do different minoritized communities trust online? What content is most effective at raising vaccine confidence? What content is most harmful? How can we usefully integrate hyperlocal social media monitoring with targeted outwards health communication?

Digital Threats to Democracy
Enhancing civic engagement, strengthening democracy, and monitoring elections. What role does social media play in elections? How can we identify and respond to hate speech and disinformation designed to undermine democratic practice? Can we build systems that enhance transparency and good governance? How can ICTs help promote an innovative and effective civil society?

HCI For Development (HCI4D)
Exploring systems to empower people and address their needs, desires, and aspirations. How (or why) do we design the “personal” out of “personal computers,” the desk out of the desktop, and English from the QWERTY keyboard? Instead, should we create a community computer based on agricultural or family metaphors, for instance? What is a user or community centered design method for low-income countries?

Open Innovation Platform
Inclusive innovation and social entrepreneurship with global connectivity. How do we design a globally connected makerspace that is diverse, accessible, and welcoming? How do we apply global manufacturing innovations and hardware prototyping efficiencies towards sustainable systems?

Peacebuilding In A Networked World
Inventing new information and communication systems and examining the role of existing systems in conflict stressed societies and post-conflict peace and reconciliation. Can rich media and the internet help to create dialogue and ultimately heal a nation? How can mobile phones enhance security? Can we build virtual peace memorials?